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How do I know which spark plug for my lawn mower?

Dennis WaldenNov 17, 2021

Spark plugs are typically located on the back or side of a lawn mower engine. Look for a short wire that's about 1/4-in. -thick leading to the top of a short, cylindrical protrusion from the engine. If you're not sure where the spark plug is, consult your owner's manual.

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Keeping this in view, how do you check the spark plug on a Toro lawn mower?

Keeping this in consideration, how do you change the spark plug on a Toro lawn mower?

Herein, where is the spark plug on Toro?

The size and type is printed on the porcelain casing, and it's included in your lawnmower's owner's manual. Most mowers -- including Toro brand mowers -- have a decal on the mowing deck or on the engine shroud that reveals the type of spark plug needed.

Are all spark plugs the same for lawn mowers?

Yes there are different plugs for different engines. Usually you need the engine model on your mower, and take in the old spark plug to the hardware store. Ask for someone to help you find the right spark plug and tell them your engine model and mower model.

Will any spark plug work in a lawn mower?

The spark plugs in both types of engine work on the same basic principle. ... Some automotive and lawn mower spark plugs may be interchangeable, but many others are not because of physical differences.

How long do spark plugs last in a lawn mower?

Typically, the consensus among the mechanical engineer community is that a spark plug for a lawn mower will last up to 25 hours of use. Some users simply prefer to replace it every mowing season as a part of their yearly lawn mower maintenance.

Do Toro lawn mowers have spark plugs?

Your local Toro service dealer is the best place to get the correct replacement spark plug for your machine. Bring your machine's model and serial number so you're sure to get the right plug. Today's spark plugs come pre-gapped, but it's a good idea to double check this before installation.

Can you clean a spark plug with wd40?

WD-40 removes carbon residue and keeps moisture away from spark plugs and spark plug wires. WD stands for Water Displacement, so if your spark plugs are wet or you need to drive moisture away from ignition distributors, for example, WD-40 is a product you should have handy!
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About The Author

Dennis Walden

Dennis owns a small farm and loves to grill since his early childhood. He’s a professional cook, but hiking and enjoying the great outdoors is his no less favorite part of life.