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How do I know if my lawn mower spark plug is bad?

Dennis WaldenSep 13, 2021

Here's How to Know if a Lawn Mower Spark Plug is Bad

  1. You can't get the engine to fire up at all.
  2. You have to tug extra hard for longer than usual on the rewind.
  3. Your lawn mower loses power while moving.
  4. The gas runs out quicker than it used to.

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Beside this, how often do you change spark plugs in lawn mower?

every 25 hours

Secondly, can you replace spark plugs yourself? Like rotating tires or changing oil, replacing spark plugs is a job that can be easily, and inexpensively, done in the confines of your own home. Although they don't need maintenance as often as the other two tasks, spark plugs are equally as important and require consistent monitoring.

Just so, do you need to change spark plug on lawn mower?

Spark plugs aren't meant to last forever. Over time, they wear out, which affects how the mower's engine runs. You should replace this component either every season or every 100 hours of use to ensure your engine stays running smoothly.

Will any spark plug work in a lawn mower?

The spark plugs in both types of engine work on the same basic principle. ... Some automotive and lawn mower spark plugs may be interchangeable, but many others are not because of physical differences.

Will a bad spark plug cause a lawn mower to stall?

Faulty spark plug warning signs

The engine misfires or runs rough. The engine starts, but stalls shortly after. There is a noticeable increase in fuel consumption during normal equipment use.

How do I know if my spark plugs need changing?

What symptoms may indicate my vehicle's spark plugs need replacing?
  1. Rattling, pinging or “knock”-like noises. When spark plugs begin to misfire, you may notice unusual noises from the force of the pistons and combustion not working properly. ...
  2. Hard vehicle start. ...
  3. Reduced performance. ...
  4. Poor fuel economy.

How much should a lawn mower tune-up cost?

Getting a tune-up shouldn't break the bank. If you do it yourself, you'll need to buy oil, an air filter and spark plug — totaling around $20 to $30. A professional tuneup often costs between $50 and $100 for a push mower. The costs are minimal compared to repair costs if a neglected mower breaks.

Should I clean or replace spark plugs?

Cleaning your spark plugs is essential, and a quick and easy way to keep them working and prevent necessary replacements. It is important to consider the main reason why your spark plugs need to be cleaned. If you notice that the spark plug is dirty, then it is often best to replace the old and dirty spark plugs.

Why is it so expensive to replace spark plugs?

Since replacing the plugs is no longer an annual service, most vehicle manufacturers stopped making them accessible. Today, replacing the plugs may require removing the intake manifold and a lot of other work to reach them.

Can I drive with a bad spark plug?

Continuing to drive with worn out or damaged spark plugs can ultimately cause engine damage, so don't put it off.

What happens if you don't change your spark plugs?

Spark plugs will depreciate over time, so various engine issues will arise if they are not replaced. When the spark plugs do not generate the adequate spark, the combustion of the air/fuel mixture becomes incomplete, leading to loss of engine power, and in the worst-case scenario, the engine will not run.
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About The Author

Dennis Walden

Dennis owns a small farm and loves to grill since his early childhood. He’s a professional cook, but hiking and enjoying the great outdoors is his no less favorite part of life.