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Are all lawn mower spark plugs the same size?

Dennis WaldenSep 13, 2021

The spark plugs in both types of engine work on the same basic principle. ... Some automotive and lawn mower spark plugs may be interchangeable, but many others are not because of physical differences.

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Subsequently, how do I know my spark plug size?

The letter “E” indicates the reach of the spark plug, that is, the length of the threads. There are two size reaches currently being used in motorcycles and ATVs. “H” indicates a 1/2″ reach, while “E” indicates a 3/4″ reach. The letter “A” indicates some type of special feature.

In this regard, what size socket do I need to remove a lawn mower spark plug? Drive socket wrench in 1/2 inches or 3/8 inches, whichever is appropriate for your machine. New spark plug.

Regarding this, how do I know what spark plug I need for my lawn mower?

Spark plugs are typically located on the back or side of a lawn mower engine. Look for a short wire that's about 1/4-in. -thick leading to the top of a short, cylindrical protrusion from the engine. If you're not sure where the spark plug is, consult your owner's manual.

Will a lawn mower start with a bad spark plug?

A dirty or fouled spark plug can cause your lawn mower to not start. It can also work itself loose, causing issues. If the spark plug appears to be seated correctly but the engine doesn't start, a new one may be in order.

How often should you change the spark plug in a lawn mower?

every 25 hours

What size is a rc12yc spark plug?

RC12YC Spark Plugs
Center ElectrodeCopper Core
Hex Size5/8" (16mm)
Reach19mm (3/4")
SeatGasket seat
Thread Size14mm

Will any spark plug fit any car?

In other words, any brand of spark plug can be used in any vehicle make or model application assuming the plug has the correct dimensions, design and heat range. The engine won't know the difference. ... They may not have a plug with the correct electrode configuration, reach or heat range.

What size socket do I need for a spark plug?

Most spark plugs require a 5/8" (16mm) size spark plug socket. This refers to the size of the flats on the spark plug that are in contact with the socket.

Can you remove spark plugs with a regular socket?

Like I stated in the above paragraphs, spark plug sockets "cradle" the spark plug so it will not get damaged. A traditional socket would not hold the spark plug snug enough and it would fall out upon installation or removal, which could cause damage to the spark plug itself.

Do I need a special tool to remove spark plugs?

To remove spark plugs, you need a spark plug removal tool that grabs and twists the spark plugs inside your vehicle's engine. Because spark plugs can be in awkward positions, you may also need an extension for your spark plug socket.
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About The Author

Dennis Walden

Dennis owns a small farm and loves to grill since his early childhood. He’s a professional cook, but hiking and enjoying the great outdoors is his no less favorite part of life.